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Dissecting Google Search Console and How to Use it in SEO

Google is the world’s most important search engine. The closest competitor, Bing, has a tiny market share in the industry. There are many reasons why Google continues to dominate the industry. For example, it has a name recognition, which means that it is the first name that comes to mind when people think about search. Importantly, Google’s search product is much better than that offered by the peer companies. To provide a better product, the company launched Google Search Console, which is a dashboard that helps website managers improve their search rankings. This article will highlight the most important things that the console can help you with.

Optimize Your Content

Content is the most important thing that Google uses to rank websites. It is important because people use text to perform Google queries. As a result, the role of content in search engine optimization has always been great. In fact, the company regularly uses human verifiers to rate the top answers that it provides. To help developers optimize their web content, the Google Search Console helps them analyze the content by seeing the queries that bring users to the site. It also analyzes the sites impressions, clicks, and the position in Google search. With this tool therefore, you can replace the other paid tools that do the same work.

Submit Content to Google

The Google Search Console will help you to get your content on Google. This is a simple process that allows you to submit the website’s sitemap and individual URL for crawling. While Google can rank your website without manually submitting it to them, it is always recommended to use the manual process to submit it. The console will help you do this faster.

Custom Alerts on Google Search Console

As a website owner, you will always have bugs on your websites. These bugs include things like broken links and slow page loading. With the Google search console, you will receive custom alerts when Google identifies issues on your website. These alerts will be specific and will tell you the URLs that are affected and how you can fix them.

Optimize Your Website

The Google Search Console is useful in optimizing your website. This involves many things. For example, it will check whether the website content is optimized for mobile devices. In recent years, Google has been favoring websites that are fully optimized for mobile because most people use mobile devices to visit the internet. In addition, Google has been promoting the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), which load fast. The console will monitor, test, and track your AMP pages and tell you the pages that have been optimized. In addition, the console will help give you rich results such as recipes, jobs, and other structured data. These results will appear in the first page of search. To apply the Google Search Console, you need to first submit your site to Google and verify the ownership. After that, Google will analyze the website and give you the results you need. While you can do this individually, it is recommended that you use the services of a qualified website and SEO design expert. At SoftwareCy, we are the leading company offering these services. Get in touch with us for a quote.