Best SEO Tips for 2018
If you’re looking for ways to get your site ranked on the first page of Google, you’ve come to the right place! We have put together the best SEO tips for 2018 in order to help businesses gain organic traffic by reaching the top of SERP. Ranking on Google search is more difficult than you think because Google is constantly working on new updates that make the ranking system more and more complicated. In order to place your site as high as possible in a search engine, you need to focus on the basics, that is, the core SEO facts we will look into below!
What are the best SEO tips for 2018?
One of the best pieces of advice when it comes to SEO is to stick to the core. Even though Google constantly changes its algorithm, the basics of search engine optimization remain the same. These basics include your site’s content and all on page elements such as the title, alt tags, meta tags and internal links. If you have don’t have any experience with SEO, we recommend you to opt-in for professional search engine optimization services because in order to make the best out of the SEO basics one must thoroughly understand them.
On the other hand, if you are experienced in the field of SEO, you probably know what a high impact on page elements have on site’s ranking. However, besides elements such as content, title and tags, you must focus on other crucial aspects for ranking higher, which include the mobile-friendly approach and loading speed. It is important to increase the loading speed of your site and make it mobile-friendly in order to improve the user experience. The better the user experience is, the higher your site is going to rank on Google.
Google’s algorithm, known as the RankBrain, is the one responsible for choosing which sites rank higher than others based on the measurements of users’ behaviour on your site. If many users engage with your site on a regular basis, the RankBrain is going to perceive your site as valuable and thus will rank it higher on Google. However, this system works both ways, so if many users exit your site quickly after visiting it, the RankBrain will think your site doesn’t provide value so it will rank it lower.
In order to provide Google’s RankBrain with positive information that will get your site’s ranking boosted, you should stick to the above-mentioned basics of SEO. Make sure your titles are well optimized by including a relevant keyword, which should be repeated several times throughout the body of the text. Your goal as an SEO analyst should be to make as many users as possible actively engage with your site. Make sure to focus on consistent engagement so you don’t lose the ranking on Google. The same way your site climbs to the top of the search page, it can quickly drop back down. Therefore, you must consistently track your search engine optimization!